Breaching Active Directory
Techniques for acquiring Active Directory credentials and enumerating Active Directory
Techniques for breaching AD
NTLM Authenticated Services
LDAP Bind Credentials
Authentication Relays
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Configuration Files
OSINT services for finding AD credentials
Past breach credentials:
New Technology LAN Manager (NTLM) is the suite of security protocols used to authenticate users' identities in AD
HetHTLM services exposed to internet:
On-premises Exchange/Outlook OWA
AD integrated VPN endpoints
Internet facing web apps
NTLM Brute Forcing
Password spray script example: Usage:
python -u <userfile> -f <fqdn> -p <password> -a <attackurl>
- Textfile containing our usernames - "usernames.txt"<fqdn>
- Fully qualified domain name associated with the organisation that we are attacking - ""<password>
- The password we want to use for our spraying attack - "Changeme123"<attackurl>
- The URL of the application that supports Windows Authentication - ""
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication is similar to NTLM authentication, but directly verifies credentials via a pair of AD credentials
Attempt to recover the AD credentials used by the service to gain authenticated access to AD
Common LDAP services:
Custom-developed web applications
LDAP Pass-back Attacks
Redirecting the LDAP server request in order to intercept the LDAP credentials
Use netcat listener while sending LDAP request:
nc -lvp 389
Hosting a Rogue LDAP Server
Install OpenLDAP:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils && sudo systemctl enable slapd
Configure server:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p low slapd
Create olcSaslSecProps.ldif file with:
Patch LDAP server:
sudo ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f ./olcSaslSecProps.ldif && sudo service slapd restart
Test if configuration has been applied:
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -LLL -s base -b "" supportedSASLMechanisms
Run tcpdump to grab credentials:
sudo tcpdump -SX -i breachad tcp port 389
Run the test LDAP credentials in the GUI
NetNTLM authentication used by SMB
The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol allows clients (like workstations) to communicate with a server (like a file share). In networks that use Microsoft AD, SMB governs everything from inter-network file-sharing to remote administration. Older versions of SMB have vulnerabilities.
Exploits for NetNTLM authentication with SMB:
Intercept NTLM challenges and crack offline, though this is much slower than cracking NTLM hashes directly
Man in the middle attack to intercept and relay the aythentication to gain an authenticated session and access to target
Responder to attempt to intercept the NetNTLM
Resonder listens to these requests and starts host servers like SMB, HTTP, SQL to capture and force authentication
To start responder: sudo responder -I tun0
systemd-resolve --interface breachad --set-dns --set-domain
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Usually, MDT is integrated with Microsoft's System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), which manages all updates for all Microsoft applications, services, and operating systems
Large organisations use PXE boot to allow new devices that are connected to the network to load and install the OS directly over a network connection. MDT can be used to create, manage, and host PXE boot images.
Configuration Files
Web application config files Service configuration files Registry keys Centrally deployed applications
There are several open source resources available for learning how to breach Active Directory. Some of the most popular resources include:
ADLab: ADLab is an open source Active Directory testing lab that provides a safe and isolated environment for testing and learning about Active Directory security.
Active Directory Attack Toolkit (ADAT): ADAT is an open source toolkit for penetration testing Active Directory environments.
BloodHound: BloodHound is an open source tool for visualizing the relationships and permissions within an Active Directory environment.
Mimikatz: Mimikatz is an open source tool for dumping and analyzing Windows credentials, including those stored in Active Directory.
Rubeus: Rubeus is an open source tool for performing various Active Directory-related attacks, including Kerberos abuse.
Credential Injection
Credential Injection Using runas.exe:
runas.exe usage:
= do not authenticate against domain controller/usaer
= domain credentials using FQDNcmd.exe
= program to execute once credentials are injected
dir \\\SYSVOL
vdir \\<DC IP>\SYSVOL
dir \\\SYSVOL
attempts Kerberos authenticationdir \\<DC IP>\SYSVOL
attempts NTLM authenticationForcing NTLM helps avoid detection
Resources: using NTLM authentication to authenticate to web applications:
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